Avoid the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) during construction work

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When the whole world is locked down, including us, we have only three words to react to the negative effects of the global coronavirus pandemic: Wait and see. The coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting both indoor and outdoor work in construction industries. But we cannot stop our construction works. Even we must have to work more during and in post corona time.

So many migrating workers are returning to their home. Many people may become jobless due to corona pandemic. So, to give them a safe home, we should not stop our construction, and we have to work harder to make more low-cost housing complex.

It is important that the work at construction sites is organised to protect the employees against the risk of coronavirus infection. This applies to both indoor and outdoor work.

So, What to do to prevent the spread of corona virus??

If the employees are sick, the project will be stalled – prevent the spread of infection at the construction site

The construction authority should encourage employers to follow the WHO’s advice and Government’s Order regarding the prevention of coronavirus infection – by the employers, with coordination from the developer’s work environment coordinator, ensuring the following at the construction sites:

Plan the work, so that the employees are able to work while keeping a distance from one another

social distancing during covid-19 pandemic construction work

For example:

  • Divide work stations between employees or companies at the start of the day
  • Avoid having many employees working in the same room, so that they are able to keep a distance from one another

Make hand-wash or hand sanitizer available for employees at all relevant areas

hand-wash or hand sanitizer during covid-19 pandemic construction work

For example:

  • At the entrance to the construction site
  • At break areas
  • In dressing rooms and toilet facilities
  • Encourage employees to wash their hands upon arrival to the construction site, as well as before and after breaks.

Minimize contact with others

Minimize contact with others  during covid-19 pandemic construction work

For example:

  • Stagger break times
  • Organise clock-in and office hours at staggered times, so that employees can keep a distance from one another, in relation to e.g. getting dressed and eating
  • Have breaks outdoors when the weather permits, or in the company car
  • Use your own tools wherever possible
  • Cancel meetings that are not urgent, or hold them via telephone or outside of the building
  • Work from home whenever the task allows

Prioritize regular cleaning and sanitizing

Prioritize regular cleaning and sanitizing  during covid-19 pandemic construction work

For example:

  • Clean or sanitize more regularly than usual
  • Clean handles, surfaces and toilets several times per day
  • Ensure that there is frequent ventilation in site offices, etc.
  • Wipe tables between dining times
  • Wash tables and chairs in meeting rooms
  • Do not forget the coffee machine or microwave

At construction sites with more than one employer, the developer’s work environment coordinator must coordinate the companies measures against the spread of infection in collaboration with the companies and their work environment organization.

Building tasks in private homes

The rules for employees that conduct work in private homes are the same as for all other work roles. This means that the employer must assess whether there is a risk that the employees may be exposed to coronavirus infection from e.g. customers and residents. If this is the case, the employer must implement measures that may prevent the risk of infection as effectively as possibly.

READ MORE:  Records To Be Maintained at Construction Site

If someone in the home is infected, the Govornment recommends that one does not conduct the visit at the current time.

Inform and instruct the employees in how to limit infection

It is generally the employer’s responsibility to make the employees aware of any risks that may be connected to the work. The purpose of this is also to create understanding among the employees concerning the importance of each individual protecting himself/herself from coronavirus infection.

How has your firm been affected by COVID-19? Are you taking any special precautions? Then you can share with others, in the comment box.

Stay Home, Stay Safe…

I hope this article will help you. You may also want to see my other post from my Blog.  If I have missed anything here, please let me know about that in the comment below this post.

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Happy Learning.

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