Lab Reports

The CBR test of soil is fully described in IS-2720-PART-16-1979 for civil engineering purposes. It was first developed by the California State Highway Department and is used in the field as an arbitrary strength test which is considered to stress […]


1. Objective The workability of fresh concrete is a composite property, which includes the diverse requirements of stability, mobility, compactability, placeability and finishability. There are different methods for measuring the workability. Each of them measures only a particular aspect of

Introduction Electroflux Magnetic Crack Detector equipment is designed for non-destructive testing (NDT Test) of ferrous iron and steel parts. Electroflux equipment will locate cracks and other defects in parts which can be magnetized. When properly used, Electroflux will locate such

Compaction Factor Test

Introduction The compacting factor test is conducted to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Although the most common method of determining workability is the slump test, it does not give an accurate result for the concrete with less workability, especially

specific gravity by Pycnometer Method

1. Introduction Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of soil at a stated temperature to the mass of the same volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature. 2. Aim To determine the

Introduction Slump test is the most commonly used method of measuring consistency or workability of fresh concrete which can be employed either in laboratory or at the site of work. It is not a suitable method for very wet or

Flash Point and Fire Point Tests of Bitumen

Introduction Flash point of bitumen is the temperature at which, its vapour will ignite temporarily during heating when a small flame is brought into contact with the vapour. The knowledge of this point is of interest mainly to the user,

Overview Bitumen is the most important binding material for the construction of flexible pavement, which gives more strength than other materials used for flexible pavement. Therefore, a piece of thorough knowledge of the tests on bitumen is a must in

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